

Today I will start this blog message with the purpose of what lead me to this place in my life. I truly desire to make a difference in the lives of others in this world and to somehow contribute to helping to heal the world. That’s why I believe in Love, God’s Love, and miracles.

What I must share is what I know and what I have experienced. It is a pain point that many of us experience but we have not all had the love and support to overcome it. The devastating effects of what low esteem and lack of confidence can do to us; prevent us from becoming our best self. Today, I am here committed to making a difference to help others as well as continue to help myself become the best version of us. Ultimately creating a more beautiful tomorrow, while developing a stronger, more confident, resilient, powerful, and beautiful people driven by love and belief!

Vol. 1 of my new book Raising Mentally and Emotionally Strong women, takes us through the practical lessons of learning everyday solutions for building confidence, self-esteem and developing emotional intelligence- The ability to understand, manage and handle emotions.

Thoughts and feelings are closely linked. We need to search deep within to find the source of our emotions. Extreme happiness or sadness for example are some of the precursors. The key element here is gaining control of our emotions and take look at how they occur. Our perception combined with our thoughts process create these emotions in association with an incident. This is what we need to become more aware of to understand and control our emotions. Once we know where the emotion originated and acknowledge our true feelings: happiness, sadness anger whatever the feelings may be, switch our focus to how can we channel these emotions effectively to live better quality lives. In a safe space, explore your feelings and talk through your emotions in a healthy way. Be observant and objective. This exercise helps us to become more aware and helps us to practice emotional intelligence. Chanel our emotions in more effectively. For mor exercises like this, we share practical solutions in my book Raising mentally and emotionally strong women. You will find much love and lots of support there.

In the meantime, be blessed and have a fantastic Boombostic Day!

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